Time Capsule -Take the Cum, Leave the Cannoli

Adam Pasi, Alex Rios, Trevor Thorpe, Danny Felts, and The Real Hyjinx.

Stand up comedian Adam Pasi hosts Time Capsule, a podcast focused on abandoned, out-dated jokes and the comedians that love them. These are the jokes that comics have long since buried (sometimes for good reason) and the ones that simply aren’t relevant anymore (see: Monica Lewinsky, or Dan Quayle) . Adam invites his favorite comics from around the country to dust off their old notebooks and dig into the beginning of their careers in stand up. Time Capsule is recorded monthly, live at Kickstand.

Time Capsule ep 1: Adam Pasi, Jacob Christopher, Amanda Arnold, David Mascorro

Sometimes a comedian writes a joke about a current event, falls in love with that joke, but has to leave it aside when the event becomes not-so-current. “Time Capsule” is where Adam Pasi and his friends unearth those jokes and reunite them with their comedians for a night of love, laughs, and nostalgia. With music by Andy Schanz. Vintage jokes from Jacob Christopher, Amanda Arnold, And David Mascorro. Recorded live at Kickstand Comedy Space in Portland, Oregon.